Customer: BioBellinda

Date: 2021


  • We achieved the integration of WhatsApp, Facebook, and the website with Freshchat.
  • We placed a web chat icon on the company’s website.
  • We implemented the Advance Automotions application.


Status Assessment

  • The company, which has a large sales network and customer base, was trying to manage its portfolio through a single number on WhatsApp Web. There were difficulties in managing messages from different channels.

About the Company

Established 20 years ago with 100% Turkish capital, BioBellinda operates in direct sales and e-commerce. It has a wide range of products in the cosmetics and cleaning products category. Through direct sales, it provides profitable business opportunities to many people both domestically and internationally. The brand operates active sales in 34 countries and has nearly 500,000 sales consultants. Producing environmentally-friendly and health-conscious cleaning and personal care products, BioBellinda has high technology and an expert team. To effectively communicate with customers and sales representatives, BioBellinda chose to use our Freshchat application.

About the Project

The company, which has over 500,000 customer representatives, was trying to manage all messages coming from the website, Facebook, and WhatsApp through a single number on WhatsApp Web. This caused delays in accurately and actively responding to customer requests. By integrating our Freshchat application with WhatsApp, we created a foundation for quick and accurate responses to messages from three different channels. Now, messages from three different channels are collected in a pool and easily responded to by relevant customer representatives.

We placed a web chat icon on the company’s website. Customers started to be greeted with automated triggered messages when visiting the site. When the customer logs in with their ID information, their profile becomes visible. Thanks to our Advance Automotions application, information such as KVKK is automatically displayed on the page. This feature was activated in conjunction with the Freschat application. In the setup of Freshchat and WhatsApp, we also made the OTP verification system available. Through our services, we established order in message and communication management for the company. We enabled the company to reach customers through a single screen and respond quickly. If you want to organize communication with your customers in a structured manner, you can benefit from our applications. 

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