“Medical Tourism is More Popular Than Ever… No Need to Be Genius to Find Out Why.” “Due to exchange rate differences, the services we provide to foreigners can be priced at very high amounts.” “As a result, bringing patients from abroad has become the dream of many, both those experienced in the field and those who have never done it before.”
“If the following statements resonate with you or if you have similar complaints, read this article. It will be beneficial!”
“Do we need a CRM solution to manage these patients and incoming leads?”
“We are using our own CRM!” “That’s great, what are you using?” Excel (!)”
“We can’t transfer the information from the Call Center to the CRM. There’s no integration; we just found out…”
“We can’t see all the incoming messages in one place!”
“We have a CRM solution, but users are not adopting it.”
“We are tired of the cluttered screens and jumping from screen to screen in your CRM software.”
“We can’t measure agent performances.”
“We’re tired of working extra hours just to get reporting.”
“At first, alliances that start with triumph and excitement in friendly gatherings, saying ‘all we need is a table, two chairs, a computer, and a representative who speaks two languages,’ often end up with a significant amount of money being wasted in vain.”
“The reasons behind the success of those who excel in this field are the experience gained from years of dedication to the job and the robust knowledge systems they have established.”
Is it too late for everything?
“What is the Reality of Health Tourism?”
“If we ask, ‘Is it too late to start?’ the answer is no.” “The best time to start something is ‘now’.” “However, the most crucial thing to know is that no matter how good your medical service is, you can never succeed without a solid operation in the background and without building a robust CRM system that forms the backbone of the operation!”
“The CRM system is not limited to what we specifically call e-CRM, especially in today’s context where it is often structured as SaaS (Software as a Service) systems.” “It is necessary to think about and design many things in advance under these systems.” “Especially if you have no prior experience with any CRM structure, regardless of the industry, getting the hang of it can take months or even years, including health tourism.” “And sadly, many ‘consultants’ and ‘consulting firms,’ who themselves lack know-how, can waste your money, time, and countless resources that we can’t even name.” “As a result, despite the long time and thousands of dollars you’ve spent, staying where you started is not out of the question.”
“Examine the Solution.”
“Now, Here Comes the Prescription.”
“First, you need to choose the right product!”
“A sentence contains months, years, and thousands of dollars.” “If you don’t have prior experience with e-CRM systems, one of the key stages to success in health tourism is to start by working with a consultant or a consulting firm that is well-versed in many products and can make the right choice for your business and needs. “It’s not that expensive.” “If you consider how invaluable it is to start on the right path and choose the correct route at the turns, what we mean becomes much clearer.”
“The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”
“Many consultants and consulting firms will naturally claim that their offered product is the best, that it will magically solve all your needs, and that you’ll be happier than you’ve ever been in your life.”
“So, the choice of a consultant or consulting firm is vital for your success.” “So, what should you consider when choosing a consultant or consulting firm?”
“First and foremost, you need to pay attention to the approach.” “Many consultants and consulting firms in the industry, after painting rosy dreams and selling you the product, disappear, leaving you to deal with the product you’ve purchased, numerous issues, and unestablished processes on your own!” “A consultant and consulting firm should be solution-oriented, not sales-focused.” “You can also understand this from their listening styles.” “Are the company representatives trying to fully understand you and your business dynamics, or are they attempting to close sales with an American-style approach we call ‘objection handling’ in response to your questions?” “Do they have the business experience and technical infrastructure to fully and clearly understand your requirements?”
“So, at this very point, what do we, as PeraNet, offer in your health tourism journey?”
“With over fifteen years of CRM experience, PeraNet has been actively involved in the implementation of all popular CRM products. Thus, we are a company with the technical capacity and infrastructure to recommend the product that will best meet your requirements.”
“We listen to you completely, understanding your business model thoroughly, leaving no room for gray areas.” “We present a project plan that will address your requirements most economically and in the shortest time, leaving no room for the mentioned drawbacks, and provide you with an e-CRM system that will fulfill all your needs.”
“During the usage of the product, we are with you every step of the way to address any potential issues that may arise.” “We never leave you alone until you are completely satisfied.”
“Every member of our staff, from analysts to developers and project managers, has experience in numerous health tourism projects.” “As a result, with invaluable know-how, we address many issues before you even encounter them, saving you time and money.”
“Do you still have questions about CRM systems?”
“Call us now, let’s talk.” “Or if you prefer, we can write to each other.”
Dr. Alp Par | 0 530 360 00 58 | [email protected]
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March 14, 2025
March 14, 2025
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March 14, 2025